Membership Info

Interested in joining? You are so HackerMom!

Step 1: Visit an open house or schedule an appointment to meet us, gauge chemistry and introduce us to your child(ren). There’s no cost to visit our Open House meetings. Open houses are for you to check out the space and see if we are your tribe. They’re open to non-members, members and visitors alike.

We usually host one open house per month, find upcoming dates in our calendar.

To RSVP for an open house, email

Can’t make it to an open house? Contact us at to schedule a tour.

Step 2: Complete our Membership Application.

Step 3: We do reference checks for personal safety. Meanwhile, we recommend that you keep coming to open houses so we get to know each other.

Upon acceptance, you’ll receive:

  • a key to the space for 24/7 use ($20 key fee)
  • options on joining Failure Club, free workshops our social justice book group
  • invitation to Slack, our discussion group and relevant docs
  • a cubby for your stuff
  • a great big hug and welcome to our HackerMom family

Membership Dues: $80 per month

Volunteers: If you have a skill to lend, we’d love to see you in action. We also support peer-learning, so if you have something to teach the moms or kids, how about leading a workshop? We can offer you a classroom and access to our audience of moms and kids. You don’t need to be a member. Send proposals to